Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday June 10th: Jasper Alberta

Rain started around 9AM and had not stopped by the time we landed at a hotel in Jasper Alberta. Forecast for tonight and into tomorrow is - yup - you guessed it - more rain. :-( Despite the weather we logged just shy of 400 miles and traveled along some more of the beautiful roads of southern British Columbia. Due to the rain, I did not get to take any pictures today but I can tell you that we started and ended the day surrounded by mountains and passed by many lakes and farmlands in between. We saw coyotes, deer, bear, and an elk - AND - lots and lots of campers headed in the opposite direction. We are so glad to be heading home rather than have to battle with the rest of the travelers going to Alaska! At one point a few days ago we saw 27 large RV's all traveling like a convoy....would hate to get stuck behind them as they climb up some of these incredible mountains or behind a pilot car as it leads the pack through the various construction sites. Plan is to make it across the US border tomorrow....starting to run out of days to get home. D&C


  1. Glad you decided to stop with the rain. Saw that storm coming on the radar. You guys are making great time. Where are you crossing over the border?

  2. Hello, I hope you get some dry weather soon.
